Bluehost is DOWN - All sites faces long time OUTAGE, No Call, Chat support Available for users

Bluehost Down

Bluehost sites are down for more than 10 hours now, there are hundres of people complaining this on twitter . Everyone is tweeting about the un availability of their sites and the support service gave by bluehost .

I too host three of my sites on bluehost on VPS plan , i lastly saw my site opening yesterday ( 1st august , 2013 ) , when i opened my site this morning , i wasn't opened at all.

I tried opening all other sites too, but no luck . when i contacted the bluehost live support team , they didnt even connect with me , i was waited for more than 30 minutes .

Atlast i was connected , and the guy told me that your sites will be up within 10-15 minutes, and now its more than 5 hours crossed ..till now there is no action taken.

so, i just had an idea to contact the bluehost support @help.bluehost on twitter, because earlier i got reply from them , even though they replied lately but i got to know what i want .

Now its more than tow hours i not yet got reply from them , and i just say many people are tweeting their sites are down as well , no help support , no call support too .

i dont know why the sites are all went down , and how long will it take to bring back the sites up ??

i'm very much frustated with this issue, my traffic , my revenue, and my visitors - it greatly affect that ..

i think so many people are not happy with the bluehost after this incidence .. they should have atleast tweeted about the problem they are facing , but they haven't did that ..

Bluehost is recommended hosting , but who will trust when sites are down more than 10 hours ??

bluehost down , bluehost services are down

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